I'm moving from one addiction to another, Addiction to workout is the type that nobody worries about, none of your friends will warn you about its consequences, moreover they praise for your newly grown muscles. I'm surrounded by "encouraging" friends, who think a friend is someone who supports you in your decisions and is happy for you, even when you're temporarily happy while you're screwing things up and there's something clearly wrong and you're not noticing. [Yes, and when you're noticing it and are aware of it, the support is not in "reminding" you off your screw ups, support will turn into actions that help you recover, friendship's complicated.]
He was wrong, My "issue" is not my relationships, it's my friendships. I have great, amazing "absent" friends whom I love with not just all my heart but all my being, but I want, I need, wise and "present" friends.
PS: I guess I will have to put the search on hold and focus on research, Sriram's saying I have to start looking for a job
PPS: It's always during these scary times that life gets real that you are reminded of things that really make you happy and you don't need to spend any "energy" to "focus" on them, you do it naturally, without even noticing it. Like writing. Like painting. Like dancing.
PPPS: Blues dancing is the best.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Friday, June 25, 2010
قناری بهانه بود, بگو گزل کجاست.
پ.ن: مردم ممالک غربی جین آستین خوندن تا عشق بشناسند و ما هم کلیدر و سووشون و انگار گفته بودی لیلی و نوبت عاشقی و منِ او و بار دیگر شهری که دوست می داشتم خوندیم ...
چهار شبانه روز تمام، هر چهار ساعت نگهباني عوض شد و همة آن ها با مرضيه كلنجار رفتند، او را زدند، به اتاق بازجويي بردند و او حالي اش نشد كه نبايد توي بند بلند حرف بزند. خيلي از نگهبان ها از عصبانيت و درگيري اي كه با او داشتند فراموش مي كردند ما را به دستشويي ببرند و ما مجبور شديم به پيرمرد اجازه بدهيم تو كاسه اي كه ناهار مي خورديم، مشكلش را حل كند. روز پنجم، دوباره نوبت پُست حسن انگليسي شد. در سلول مرضيه را باز كرد و گفت " اين مصطفي چه تخم دو زرده اي كرده كه هي صداش مي كني؟" مرضيه گفت " عاشقشم." حسن انگليسي گفت " آدم كه اين قدر عاشق نمي شه. چرا عاشق من نيستي؟" مرضيه گفت " تو كه مصطفي نيستي." حسن انگليسي گفت " فقط اگه كسي مصطفي باشه، بايد عاشقش شد؟ ما دل نداريم؟ حالا خواستگاري ات اومده يا نه؟" مرضيه گفت " من رفتم خواستگاريش." حسن انگليسي گفت " زكي، لابد مهرشم كردي! "
در نوبت آن پست هم از دستشويي رفتن ما خبري نشد و تمام چهار ساعت را حسن انگليسي با مرضيه حرف زد و من كم كم حس كردم، گلويش پيش مرضيه گيركرده ؛ طوري كه يك بار گفت " اگه كسي حاضر بود اين قدر كتك بخوره باز منو بخواد، خودمو واسه اش مي كشتم." نوبت تعويض پست رسيد، اما حسن انگليسي به جاي پست بعدي هم ماند. ساعت يك بعدازظهر بود كه حسن دوباره در سلول مرضيه را كه گريه مي كرد باز كرد و گفت " اين مصطفي كه تو دوستش داري، بينم مي خواسته شاهو بكشه؟" مرضيه گفت " نه." حسن انگليسي پرسيد " پس چه گهي مي خواسته بخوره؟" مرضيه گفت " مصطفي خودش شاهه، به قلب من حكومت مي كنه." حسن انگليسي گفت " اگه بيارمش يواشكي ببينيش، قول مي دي ديگه سر و صدا نكني؟" مرضيه گفت " آره." و حسن انگليسي رفت و دو دقيقة بعد در سلول مرضيه را باز كرد. براي چند لحظه سكوت همه بند را گرفت و صداي مرضيه هم خوابيد. من احساس كردم همة زندانيان بند سه،گوش ايستاده اند تا عاقبت ماجرا را بفهمند. هم سلولي پيرمردم گفت « اون به مصطفي عاشقتره، تا ماها به مبارزه، جرأتش اينو مي گه." هم سلولي دانشجوم گفت " اول كه صداي اين دخترو مي شنيدم، ياد نامزدم مي افتادم، اما حالا از اين نامزدي پشيمون شدم، اگه عشق اينه كه پس ما بايد راجع به همه چيز تجديد نظركنيم.» و من احساس كردم كم كم همه عاشق مرضيه شده اند و دارد يادشان مي رود كه در كميته هستند و زير بازجويي اند. خودم مسئول مصطفي بودم و او سمپات من بود. دروغ نگويم، آرزو كردم كاش او مسئول من بود و من سمپات او بودم.
حسن انگليسي گفت " مصطفي وقت ملاقات تمومه، راه بيفت. براي من مسئوليت داره. تو اين سلول ها هزار تا جاسوسه كه لاپورت مارم مي دن." مرضيه التماس كرد كه مصطفي را پيش او بگذارد. اما حسن مصطفي را برد و در سلول مرضيه را بست. يك ربع بعد دوباره خودش پيش مرضيه برگشت و گفت " حالا از من راضي شدي؟" مرضيه گفت " چرا موهاشو زدين؟ من عاشق موهاش بودم. موهاش كجاست؟" حسن انگليسي گفت " اتفاقاً خودم موهاشو زدم." مرضيه گفت " لابد موهاشو ريختي تو سطل آشغال؟!" حسن انگليسي گفت " نه پس فكر كردي فرستادم كلاه گيس درست كنند." مرضيه گفت " تورو خدا برو موهاشو بيار بده من. " حسن انگليسي گفت " حالا از كجا بفهمم تو يه سطل مو، كدومش موي مصطفي است؟" مرضيه گفت " من موهاشو مي شناسم، حالا خودشو بردي كجا؟" حسن انگليسي گفت " تو سلول شماره بيسته، ته همين بنده." مرضيه گفت " آواز بخونم صدام بهش مي رسه؟" حسن انگليسي گفت " آواز بخوني مي برمت پيش بازجوت." مرضيه گفت " اون وقت مصطفي رم مي آري پيش بازجوش تا ببينمش؟" حسن انگليسي گفت " خيلي پررويي. اين اخلاقت به…ها مي بره." و مرضيه بلند شروع كرد به آواز خواندن و مرا ببوس را خواند. حسن انگليسي هي به او تشر زد و حتي ما احساس كرديم رفته است توي سلول و دستش را گذاشته دم دهان او، كه صدايش هي قطع و وصل مي شود. خيلي عصبي شدم. احساس كردم همين حال به هم سلولي هاي ديگرم هم دست داد. خواستم فرياد بزنم و به نگهبان فحش بدهم ؛ اما جلوي خودم را گرفتم. دوباره صداي مرضيه بالا گرفت و مرا ببوس را خواند. وقتي به جملة « كه مي روم به سوي سرنوشت " رسيد. صداي سيلي حسن انگليسي آمد وكمي صداي مرضيه لرزيد. و وقتي به جملة « ميان طوفان، هم پيمان با قايقران ها "رسيد.، ديگر صداي كشيده و لگد حسن انگليسي قطع نشد. و مرضيه هم آواز را قطع نكرد. بلند شدم و با مشت به در سلول كوبيدم. احساس كردم، سلول هاي ديگر هم تك تك درهايشان با مشت كوبيده مي شود. حالي داشتم كه اگر مي شد، در سلول را مي كندم و نگهبان را بي بيم از هر چيز مي كشتم. ديگر هر چهار نفر به در سلول مي كوبيديم و همة سلول ها هم صداي ما شده بودند. حسن انگليسي وحشت كرد و دست از زدن برداشت، اما مرضيه دست از خواندن برنداشت. از ميان صداي درهايي كه با مشت كوبيده مي شد و فرياد حسن انگليسي كه بي دريغ فحش مي داد ؛ صداي مصطفي را شنيدم كه از اين جمله با مرضيه هم آوازي كرد. " اي دختر زيبا، امشب بر تو مهمانم ... " من هم با آن ها هم صدا شدم. بعد هم سلولي هاي من هم آواز شدند. البته پيرمرد كمي ديرتر و بعد كم كم همة سلول ها با فرياد " مرا ببوس " را خواندند. فردا صبح زود، خبر مرگ مرضيه را همة سلول ها باور كردند به جز مصطفي. براي همين از آن سوي بند، شروع كرد يكريز مرضيه را صدا كردن و مرا ببوس را خواندن.
Monday, June 21, 2010
So, I was introduced to the idea of "dive bars" this past Saturday, With a bunch of girls and our new neighbor and a guy that Alex likes and Adam, Lindsey's roommate, at a dive bar out in the middle of nowhere. Total of 3 guys and about 10 girls there.
After 3 shots of whiskey and some beer, I had a heated conversation on politics with the girls who were camping outside of the bar, whom I had asked to bum a cigarette from. [yes the bar was literally in the middle of nowhere, on top of one of the hills outside Boulder] I gave my green wrist band to one of the girls who thanked me for the rest of the night.
The bar was kind of quiet and everybody was just talking and I was excited to play music from a jukebox for the first time in my life, $1 a song, but after messing and teasing the bartender he opened it up for free and we made the best playlist and I [again] got all the girls to dance, Persian style to Bon Jovi.
They had kept talking about the night the day after, when I ditched them and stayed home to work. They had talked about how different it was for them this time that I was around and how I made them bring their defenses down and enjoy it more. Adam had told Lindsey and Alex, who told me later, that what struck him the most about me was how shy I was! and he has invited himself over for a formal, dressed up tea party at my place because he was impressed with my collection of Persian tea, and I had missed that part when he was going through my tea cabinet because I was lying in the middle of the living room paying attention to the music.
The moral conclusion of the story is, I had loads of fun with a random group of people who will not be my close friends [except for Alex of course] Apparently I make these people who mean nothing to me feel easy and comfortable, but don't do it for people I actually care about, the feeling of responsibility, calculating the consequences [which I know is impossible to do!] kicks in and I become tough and critical. [yeah, if I don't tease you often, we're not really friends!]
But it might actually be a wise decision to do so, my kindness can overwhelm people, and being an ENTP and small attention span, they might depend on me and I might not be around all the time. The question is, do I want someone to do this to me? Hell No!
PS: I'm not bragging, these are just my observations on myself post-breakup, acting freely and with no considerations for another person's expectations of me, no feeling of guilt for being myself. It's liberating, and it attracts guys too, mostly the wrong type, but just observing the dynamics is interesting.
Just the other day at the DMV office, it was late and I lost my number and when the grumpy, exhausted officer asked me where I was, I loudly announced that I was in the bathroom, small bladder, sorry! I made them laugh, she moved me to the front of the row again, I made some more jokes and their faces opened up with big smiles and later while waiting for my picture to be taken, the good looking guy I was sitting next to gave me his number, Danny was his name and he was 22! I probably should quit wearing short jean overalls. As I was walking out, I thought of the people who would say "shame on you", and told myself "To hell with them, It didn't cost anyone anything did it?"
PPS: Hooman's note about me still rings in my ear, "passionate, trustworthy, but dangerous!"
Another comment that fucks with my head constantly is R's: "In less than 10 years, you will be old and alone and none of these people will be around you anymore!"
PPPS: I don't give up, I don't fucking give up! Nothing in this world in "too" hard!
After 3 shots of whiskey and some beer, I had a heated conversation on politics with the girls who were camping outside of the bar, whom I had asked to bum a cigarette from. [yes the bar was literally in the middle of nowhere, on top of one of the hills outside Boulder] I gave my green wrist band to one of the girls who thanked me for the rest of the night.
The bar was kind of quiet and everybody was just talking and I was excited to play music from a jukebox for the first time in my life, $1 a song, but after messing and teasing the bartender he opened it up for free and we made the best playlist and I [again] got all the girls to dance, Persian style to Bon Jovi.
They had kept talking about the night the day after, when I ditched them and stayed home to work. They had talked about how different it was for them this time that I was around and how I made them bring their defenses down and enjoy it more. Adam had told Lindsey and Alex, who told me later, that what struck him the most about me was how shy I was! and he has invited himself over for a formal, dressed up tea party at my place because he was impressed with my collection of Persian tea, and I had missed that part when he was going through my tea cabinet because I was lying in the middle of the living room paying attention to the music.
The moral conclusion of the story is, I had loads of fun with a random group of people who will not be my close friends [except for Alex of course] Apparently I make these people who mean nothing to me feel easy and comfortable, but don't do it for people I actually care about, the feeling of responsibility, calculating the consequences [which I know is impossible to do!] kicks in and I become tough and critical. [yeah, if I don't tease you often, we're not really friends!]
But it might actually be a wise decision to do so, my kindness can overwhelm people, and being an ENTP and small attention span, they might depend on me and I might not be around all the time. The question is, do I want someone to do this to me? Hell No!
PS: I'm not bragging, these are just my observations on myself post-breakup, acting freely and with no considerations for another person's expectations of me, no feeling of guilt for being myself. It's liberating, and it attracts guys too, mostly the wrong type, but just observing the dynamics is interesting.
Just the other day at the DMV office, it was late and I lost my number and when the grumpy, exhausted officer asked me where I was, I loudly announced that I was in the bathroom, small bladder, sorry! I made them laugh, she moved me to the front of the row again, I made some more jokes and their faces opened up with big smiles and later while waiting for my picture to be taken, the good looking guy I was sitting next to gave me his number, Danny was his name and he was 22! I probably should quit wearing short jean overalls. As I was walking out, I thought of the people who would say "shame on you", and told myself "To hell with them, It didn't cost anyone anything did it?"
PPS: Hooman's note about me still rings in my ear, "passionate, trustworthy, but dangerous!"
Another comment that fucks with my head constantly is R's: "In less than 10 years, you will be old and alone and none of these people will be around you anymore!"
PPPS: I don't give up, I don't fucking give up! Nothing in this world in "too" hard!
آه از این دل از این جام امید
من به این حسودی, چرا حسادت "نمیورزم"؟ من با این همه محبتی که احساس میکنم چرا "مهر" نمیورزم؟ منتظر چی هستم؟ اصلا حرف حسابم چیه؟ گمونم همه ش از سر لجبازیه. حتی بیشتر از اون, گمونم منطق و سختگیریم اینقدر بهشون اجهاف شده این چند ساله که دارن یه نفسی میکشن و خودی نشون میدن.
بعد از یه عمر این مترز آو ده هارت هنوز اندر خم یک کوچه ایم.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
گيرم كه ميزنيد، گيرم كه ميبريد، گيرم كه ميكشيد، با ما كه خارجيم چه غلطی ميكنيد؟
Monday, June 14, 2010
Add as many latent variables as you wish, you will not only need much more raw data to learn the model, you might need a completely different learning algorithm too, Now imagine you don't know the model structure at all, then you're officially screwed, I mean it, but figuratively, so it's not as fun as you might think!
خورشید به آسمان و زمین روشنی میبخشد و در سپیده دمان زیباست. ابرها باران به نرمی می بارند. دشتها سرسبزند. گزندی نیست. شادی هست, دیگران راست. آنک البرز, بلند است و سر بر آسمان می ساید. و ما در پای البرز به پای ایستاده ایم, و در برابرمان دشمنانی از خون ما, با لبخند زشت. و من مردمی را می شناسم که هنوز میگویند, آرش باز خواهد گشت.
Sunday, June 06, 2010
1: So is it hard to pull you off?
2: What do you mean?
1: I mean when you suck it.
2: No, it's just too moist!
1: Oh, It's because it's too hot!
Fragments of a conversation between two international students about a home-made hookah!
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