Monday, August 30, 2004


You thought I deserved much more than you, so you walked away,
and I think to myself, I deserve much more than "Nothing"!

Saturday, August 28, 2004

Waiting ...

Miracle ...

Distributed Systems!

من اصلا از سیستم های
گسترده خوشم نمیاد.

Max(a2) if a = 100
Max(a2+b2) if a+b = 100
Max(a2+b2+c2) if a+b+c = 100
Max(a2+b2+c2+d2) if a+b+c+d = 100
Max(a12+a22+a32+...+ an2) if a12+a22+a32+...+an2 = 100

Whatz the best n then?!

فصل جفت گیری

میگم کاش آدمها هم یک فصل جفت گیری داشتند که به آب و هوا مربوط میشد.
اون موقع فکرشو بکن یک عده کار تمام وقتشون رو از دست میدادند.
اون موقع فکرشو بکن یکی بی وقت گیر میداد میگفتی برو فصلش بیا!
اون موقع فکرشو بکن فقط یک دوره بود که میباس قایم میشدی و بقیه ش ظاهر میشدی.
اون موقع فکرشو بکن چه راحت بودی اون وسط!
اون موقع فکرشو بکن چه هرج و مرجی می شد تو فصلش!
اون موقع فکرشو بکن وسطش همه می شدند عین دخترا موقع پریود. {گه!}
اون موقع فکرشو بکن تو اون هرج و مرج چه توضیحی به بچه ت میدادی؟!
اون موقع فکرشو بکن اگه شانستو می باختی میرفت تا دور دیگه!

به قول این دوستمون سکس مثل هوا میمونه، نباشه یکهو مبینی خفه شدی

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Psychological Damage

An American army regulation says you mustn't kill more than 10% of a nation 'Cos to do so causes permanent "psychological damage" but these motherf**** killed 1600 ppl today in Najaf and I don' give a shit 'bout the tempels, but these guys shamelessly, shoot sth from their hip and some bastards just read the tumb and throw bomb and kill these miserable helpless ppl in their own homeland! It must really feel terrible like this!

Ooo God I don' really get it, yeaaaa i just don' get it, what can possibly turn man into some kind of monster!

Well, honestly i know,.. I can even have some ideas how to manage a curriculum to educate such army! such poor stupid (misguided) fooooools!

I wigged out watching the news tonight,... that's why I never do!

am Fill in the blanks!

Ali, Ali, Ali, I miss you all(!)
Amin, I miss you
Amir, I miss you
Atefe, I miss you
Artmis, I miss you
Bahador, I already miss you
Christian, I miss you
Dina, I miss you
Elham khare, I miss you
Ehsan, I miss you
Farshid, I miss you
Fatemeh, I miss you
Goli golmangoli,I really miss you
Hamid Reza, I miss you
Hossein, I miss you
Ida, I miss you
Javid, I miss you
Kaveh, I miss you
Ladan, I miss you
Laleh, I miss you
Mazyar, I miss you
Maryam goli, I miss you
Meshkat, I miss you (sometimes I really do!)
Mona, I miss you
Nader, I miss you
Omid jaan, baba, I even miss you too
Pooya, I miss you
Q --------------- (maybe Qazanfar!!)
Reza, Reza, Reza, I miss you all(!)
Roja jooonam, I miss you
Roozbeh, I miss you
Shahram, I miss you
Siamak, I miss you
Soode, I miss you
Tahere, I miss you
Ugene, I miss you
Vida (ma'dame), I miss you
W ---------------
X ---------------
Yavar, I miss you
Ziba khengaloo topoloo, I miss you

Monday, August 09, 2004

Losing My Religion!

در یک لحظه اتفاق افتاد، فهمیدن این آهنگ، بعد از صد هزار بار گوش دادنش و حفظ بودن تک به تک غیژ و ویژها و نت ها و صداهاش،... دلیل براش نداشتم اما همیشه میگفتم REM با این آهنگ در تاریخ جاودانه شده است ولی اعتراف میکنم... تازه فهمیدم ش،... تازه فهمیدم ش

یعنی که چه؟! یعنی اینقدر تا حالا خنگ بودم؟! یعنی اصلا بعدش که چی که من تا حالا که حالا میفهمم نفهمیده بودمش اینقدر دوستش داشتم؟!

ای بابا!

That was just a dream, that was just a dream,...

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Artificial Angel!

Due to the fact that mankind appears unsuccesful in creating Intelligence In Artificial and non-human Systems, now its time to introduce you to the newest production of our generation!

We, (me and myself) turn your partner/parent/friend into quite an Artificial Angel in few minutes by a instant hell of humiliation to death and make him/her meek as a mouse!

Our experts have the passion to meet your satisfaction of any kind!


Q: Could I use that like this and this like that and lab lab lab?

Short Answer: No!
Long Answer: No you can't!

Saturday, August 07, 2004

Unintended ,...

I know you didn't mean to be so pin headed but you ARE Honn!

You fudge me up!

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Poursuivre NIVEA

من از کرمهای ضد آفتاب NIVEA شکایت مبرم دارم.

امضا: هلوی سابق، لبوی فعلی

Tuesday, August 03, 2004


People better be careful about the FTPs that go straight in without any authentication! and users be careful about their flower of EFFAT!

PS: You can use SmartFTP for protection and DLAccelerate as lubrication!
PS2: Good luck! :)